Register Books

Register Books

Register Books

The Premium Register Book is a Mooney-Keehley exclusive, proudly manufactured in-house. They feature the high quality look and feel you have come to expect from Mooney-Keehley.

Imprint your funeral home name on the back cover for professional branding and added marketing exposure.


  • 7 ¾ x 10 inches

Inside pages included:

  • In memory
  • Services and mass of Christian burial
  • Family record
  • Bearers
  • Relatives and Friends


  • Inside Relatives and Friends pages -
    Choose from standard (lines) or NAZ (name, address and zip)
  • Imprint - Funeral home name and logo on back cover
    * No charge on orders or 50 or more books
  • Pricing discounts - on various quantities

Exclusive Offerings

Premier #2005 ›
  • Oversied: 8½ x 11 inch
  • Leather
  • Funeral Home Imprint on front of book and cover page FREE on all orders
Military Collection ›
Medallion choices:
  • Marine
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Air Force
  • Coast Guard
  • Fire Department
Includes matching "Branch Creed" cover sheet
Register Book 2300 Seagull

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