Register Books

Register Books

Register Books

The Premium Register Book is a Mooney-Keehley exclusive, proudly manufactured in-house. They feature the high quality look and feel you have come to expect from Mooney-Keehley.

Imprint your funeral home name on the back cover for professional branding and added marketing exposure.


  • 7 ¾ x 10 inches

Inside pages included:

  • In memory
  • Services and mass of Christian burial
  • Family record
  • Bearers
  • Relatives and Friends


  • Inside Relatives and Friends pages -
    Choose from standard (lines) or NAZ (name, address and zip)
  • Imprint - Funeral home name and logo on back cover
    * No charge on orders or 50 or more books
  • Pricing discounts - on various quantities

Exclusive Offerings

Premier #2005 ›
  • Oversied: 8½ x 11 inch
  • Leather
  • Funeral Home Imprint on front of book and cover page FREE on all orders
Military Collection ›
Medallion choices:
  • Marine
  • Army
  • Navy
  • Air Force
  • Coast Guard
  • Fire Department
Includes matching "Branch Creed" cover sheet
Irish Register Book
Military Register Books
Premium Register Book #2005: Leather, Over-sized
Register Book 2077 Bible
Register Book 2077 Cross
Register Book 2077 Tree
Register Book 2081 Cross
Register Book 2093 Cross
Register Book 2094 Bible
Register Book 2094 Cross
Register Book 2200 Blue
Register Book 2200 Burgundy
Register Book 2200 Cream
Register Book 2200 Green
Register Book 2400 Celtic
Register Book 2400 Green Tree
Register Book 2500
Register Book 3305 Orthodox
Register Book 3306 Lighthouse
Register Book 3399 Wheat
Register Book Velvet Going Home

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